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Black and white game serial key full#
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Black and white game serial key code#
There's no need to bring up a console command box or dialog window, just type the code and it should work. PC cheats for GTA 3 are entered by simply typing in the below codes as they appear - in either lower case or upper case. GTA 3 PC cheat codes - all Grand Theft Auto 3 cheats for PC listed We've cross-referenced them from multiple sources where we can, but just bear in mind the odd one might not work fully! Note that some of the below cheats are untested - we've run through them on PC to confirm the ones in the list below do work, but for the older consoles that's not been possible.We strongly recommend you don't risk it and don't save once you've used one. With GTA 3 in particular, saving while a cheat is active can corrupt a save file or ruin a main save game by leaving it in a state of chaos. Don't save whilst the cheat is active - this is an important one.

This is another reason why you should save first, so you can re-load that save game to go back to before you entered the cheat. Most cheats can't be deactivated - re-entering a cheat will often bring up a "cheat deactivated" message in-game, but in our experience that often leaves the cheat still active, or at least the resulting chaos still well in effect.Always save first so you have a backup just in case. Save before using cheats - especially as this is an older game, using cheats can be a little bit risky, and you'll often struggle to undo the havoc you cause with them turned on, anyway.While entering cheats in GTA 3 is pretty simple, there are always a few things to bear in mind when you're planning on using them in-game. Watch on YouTube GTA 3 cheat codes explained: what you need to know about cheats in Grand Theft Auto 3